post-title Congratulations to the Livingstone Tanzania Trust

Congratulations to the Livingstone Tanzania Trust

Congratulations to the Livingstone Tanzania Trust

Quest News

Congratulations go to our project partner out in Tanzania, the Livingstone Tanzania Trust, who’s work developing a sustainable school farm at Waang’waray Primary School has culminated in being awarded the accolade “Best Farm in Babati District 2010”.

The farm demonstrates to the wider community different ways of farming that can help them grow their way out of poverty. To be recognised as the best farm in the District is a great achievement in such a short time. The communities have built over 25 fish ponds, this means the message of self-help as a path to poverty alleviation is being followed.

Below is our 2009 Tanzania Gap Year team having completed one of the succesful Tilapia Ponds.

Tilapia Pond

Marcel, the school farm manager was first approached by Livingstone Tanzania Trust after seeing how succesfully he was running his own farm in Bacho Village. He has now steered the school farm to the success it is now and is inspiring the local community to follow in his footsteps. With the wages he has earnt he has also been able to improve his home and send his daughters to secondary school. One now wants to become the first ever lawyer from the village!

Once again – many congratulations to LTT and everybody in Waang’waray.

Why not support this fantastic project and see the difference LTT makes in Tanzania first hand by joining our Tanzania Gap Year team departing in January.

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