Bags have been packed, anit-malarial tablets have been counted up, passports double checked and goodbye parties have been celebrated. Yes it’s that time of year once again when the Quest summer teams head out to the different projects in South America and Africa.
On Tuesday we waved goodbye to the Bolivia team – who are about to make the long journey from La Paz to Parque Jacj Cuisi, the animal sanctuary they will be calling home for the next 2 weeks. Here they will be completing the construciton of new monkey group formation enclosures. The result of their hard work, digging, mixing cement by hand, and carrying materials through the jungle will be a new home for rescued capuchin monkeys which allows them to gradually and safely become part of existing family groups.
Today the Kenya Team also depart the UK….with a huge challenge ahead of them – the construction of a sand dam which will require the mixing of over 1,400 bags of cement….by far the biggest sand dam ever undertaken by a Quest team!
To keep up to date with each team’s progress why not check out our “Team Updates” blog where regular stories and photos from all the projects and expeditions will be posted over the coming weeks.