post-title A-level results – make your gap year count

A-level results – make your gap year count

A-level results – make your gap year count
Quest News, Team Updates,Quest news

Here in the Quest Office we have everything crossed for all of you waiting for A-Level results to come out later this week…  We all remember it well and know what a tense time it can be, but remember that whatever happens your options are open.

If you have decided to take a Gap Year, or if the pressure on university places is forcing you into one, then with the high level of tuition fees now it is all the more important to ensure that the year will be valuable and beneficial to you.  A Gap Year can be a truly valuable opportunity to get ahead, develop key skills and make your university application really stand out, but you do need to make sure you spend your time wisely.

We’ve put together a factsheet with advice for A-Level students considering a Gap Year, and a few pointers on how to make your year useful. Click on the factsheet below to download a copy.

Make your gap year worth it 2015


Any questions or further advice, just contact us.

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