A huge THANK YOU to Katie’s good friends,
Gordon and Jill Walters, who have donated an amazing £750 to Quest4Change to be
used on our project in Villa Maria. This
extraordinarily generous gesture will build an entire new house for a family
desperately in need of safe and sanitary shelter. Over the past few years in Villa Maria,
donations like this have enabled us so far to build 25 new houses, replacing cardboard
or plywood shelters with solid structures that have electricity, water and
Last year, this house (above) was built for Marlene Uscovilca and her three children, five year-old Dario and three year-old twins Pamela and Jasmine. Over the past twenty years, access for urban
populations to improved water and sanitation has gone up in Peru, but at
worryingly slow rate of improvement (WHO). Quest’s work in Villa Maria to provide new
houses for families in need may not be able to address the larger issues at hand, but
we are passionate about doing what we can, where we can. We can only do this with help from generous
donors, like the Walters, so once again – thank you.
To find out more about Quest’s work in Villa Maria, and how to donate, click here.